SatPC32 Checker

SatPC32 Checker is a simple program that does not do much. It is designed to find satellites in your SatPC32 group files that are no longer present in the SatPC32 satellite tle data files. It uses .NET. It is a stand alone .exe file so no install is necessary. Unzip the file and then run the .exe file. Ignore any warning messages from Windows. Click on the 'Check' button to display the satellites in your group files that appear to not have a corresponding entry in the tle data files. The program does not alter any of your files. If you do not have SatPC32 installed on your computer in the default location this program will not run. The program has been tested on Windows 7 and Windows8/8.1.

The screen shot below shows what happens when you run the program. It locates your SatPC32 program and finds your group and tle data source files. It scans the tle data source files and creates a dupe free sorted list of all the sat names. In my case there were 632 satellites. The Group area in the upper left of the window allows you to view the satellites in each of your groups. The text box below displays the tle data source files that were located and read.


After you click on the 'Check' button you will see something similar to what is seen in the screen shot below. The program has scanned each group file and checked to see if there were entries in any of the tle data source files that matched. Entries are displayed for satellites that have no match in the tle data files.

At this point you are probably saying 'So What'. The missing tle files may or may not cause a problem and you might want to delete the corresponding entries in your groups. You can do this from within SatPC32 so it is not necessary to fire up Notepad.

Known Potential Issues:

- Manual entry tle data is not included.
- Groups for the 'other' (WIS, AOS) programs are not examined.
- The program looks for your SatPC32 files only in the default location.
- Any files not located in the standard locations will not be used.
- Renaming of satellites using AmsatNames.txt might be an issue.
- This program looks for the satellite in all of the kep data files
  rather than just the kep data file the group is linked to.
- Only configuration 1 is included. Not an issue unless you are using
  multiple configurations. Download

73 de W9KE